5 Common Terms Used in Truck Accident Claims

If you were injured in a truck accident, it’s important to be familiar with these terms.

Accidents involving trucks can be some of the most catastrophic on the road. Trucks are much larger and heavier than passenger vehicles and often carry hazardous materials. As a result, truck accidents can cause extensive property damage, serious injuries, and even death. If you were injured in a truck accident, it’s important to be familiar with the following terms.

truck accident at an intersection


St. Louis Truck Accident Attorney

The St. Louis truck accident attorneys at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann can help you hold the responsible party accountable and seek the full amount of compensation you are entitled to. Give us a call today for a FREE case evaluation.

Commercial Trucks

This is a term used to describe any truck that is used for commercial purposes. This includes both large and small trucks, as well as tractor-trailers. Commercial trucks are typically owned by businesses rather than individuals and are used to transport goods or materials.

Blind Spot

The term Blind Spot is used to describe the areas around a truck that are not visible to the driver, either through the windshield, mirrors, or cameras. These blind spots can extend for several feet in front of, behind, and to the truck’s sides. If another vehicle enters one of these blind spots, the truck driver may not be able to see it and could collide with it. This is why it’s important for drivers to be aware of these blind spots and to avoid driving in them whenever possible.

Vicarious Liability

Vicarious liability is another term you’ll hear a lot in the context of truck accidents. Essentially, it’s the legal principle that makes an employer responsible for the negligent actions of its employees. Here are three situations where vicarious liability might apply in a truck accident case:

  • If a truck driver was on the job at the time of the accident, their employer might be vicariously liable for any resulting injuries.
  • If a truck driver was acting within the scope of their employment when the accident occurred, the employer might again be held vicariously liable.
  • Finally, if a truck driver was negligently hired or trained by their employer, the employer may be held liable for any ensuing accidents.

Overloaded Truck

As the name suggests, an overloaded truck is a vehicle that’s carrying more weight than it’s designed to handle. This can cause several problems, including decreased braking power, increased fuel consumption, and damage to the tires and suspension. Overloaded trucks are also more likely to be involved in accidents, as they are less able to maneuver safely.

Chameleon Carriers

The term “Chameleon Carrier” is used to describe a trucking company that changes its name or operating authority to avoid regulation or bad publicity. The term is often used in the context of truck accidents, as these companies may be more likely to cut corners to save costs. As a result, their vehicles may be more likely to be involved in accidents.

These are just a few of the many terms you may hear if you or someone you love is involved in a truck accident. Knowing these terms is important, as they can help you better understand your legal rights and options.

St. Louis Truck Accident Lawyer

At the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann, our St. Louis truck accident attorney has over 30 years of experience handling Missouri truck accident claims. We understand the complex legal issues involved and know how to get our clients the compensation they deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.


St. Louis Truck Accident Attorney

The St. Louis truck accident attorneys at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann can help you hold the responsible party accountable and seek the full amount of compensation you are entitled to. Give us a call today for a FREE case evaluation.