How Can Negligent Hiring Affect My Truck Accident Case?

Let’s discuss the dangers of negligent hiring in the trucking industry and how it can affect your St. Louis truck accident case.

The rapid growth in the trucking industry and the severe shortage of truck drivers is pressuring truck companies to take hiring shortcuts to meet the growing demands and cut costs.

Unfortunately, this has, at times, led to an increased number of unqualified truck drivers on our roads. Let’s discuss the dangers of negligent hiring in the trucking industry and how it can affect your truck accident case.

car that has been rear-ended by a semi-truck

Trucking Regulations in Missouri

While a competent truck driver can be challenging to find, truck companies shouldn’t bend the rules when hiring their drivers. They should also make sure they follow Missouri trucking  regulations, which require them to:

  • Ensure the driver is at least 21 years old.
  • Do an in-depth background check to learn the driver’s past behavior.
  • Verify the driver’s commercial driving license.
  • Evaluate the driver’s driving record to determine whether they have received tickets for violation of traffic rules.
  • Conduct medical tests to rule out hearing impairments, sleep apnea, vision problems, or epilepsy.
  • Train their drivers, and screen them for substance and alcohol use.
  • Supervise drivers to ensure they are obeying the hour of service rules.

How Negligence in Hiring Truck Drivers Contributes to Road Accidents

When a reckless or incompetent driver drives a truck, they put every road user in harm’s way.

Some of the common risks associated with unqualified truck drivers include substance and alcohol use which could impair their judgment on the road and cause tragic accidents.

Additionally, drivers with a history of road rage are likely to exhibit the same behavior and cause road rage accidents. An incompetent driver may make dangerous lane changes and cause tragic sideswipe accidents. They may also fail to secure loads properly, leading to load fall accidents.

Seeking Compensation After an Accident Due to Negligent Hiring

Due to their large size, truck accidents can be extremely dangerous and can cause severe injuries. In addition, after such an accident, you are likely to miss work to seek extensive medical care before you can get back on your feet.

For this reason, you will generally need to seek compensation from the trucking company. The trucking company can be held liable for negligent hiring and placing a risky driver behind the wheel.

However, proving the trucking company’s negligence can be a daunting endeavor. They may join forces with their insurer to attempt to disapprove or reduce your claim. However, an experienced St. Louis truck attorney is aware of the tactics used by these companies and can help you protect your rights and prove your case.

Speak With a St. Louis Truck Accident Lawyer 24/7

Have you been hurt in a truck accident due to negligent hiring? Contact the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann. We have a team of compassionate attorneys that can help you gather evidence, collect witness statements, build a strong case and recover your deserved compensation. Contact us today to schedule a free case review.


St. Louis Truck Accident Attorney

The St. Louis truck accident attorneys at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann can help you hold the responsible party accountable and seek the full amount of compensation you are entitled to. Give us a call today for a FREE case evaluation.